Switching Loans

Your home loan is usually your largest financial commitment. We understand that changes in interest rates can have a big impact on your monthly repayments and how long it takes you to pay off your loan. Switching loans might cost you thousands in early exit fees and other required fees, but it could possibly SAVE you thousands of dollars as well.

• But how will you know?

• How will you compare each new lender’s offering against others?

• What new conditions will accompany a new loan?

When you contact us we will compare your existing loan with other lenders’ products.

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Level 29, 221 St Georges Tce
Perth WA 6000
Phone: (61) 8 9214 3894
Fax: (61) 8 9480 3705
Email: info@quantuminvestor.com.au

Singapore Office
8 Temasek Boulevard Penthouse Level,
Suntec Tower Three,
Singapore 038988
Phone: (65) 6829 2266
Fax: (65) 68292121
Email: info@quantuminvestor.com.au
