If you think you have to be wealthy to invest in property you might be mistaken! In fact the skills and experience you’ve gained managing a budget on a lower income could make you a better property investor than some big spending high income earners.
We often meet people who are hooked on the good life: living in expensive suburbs, driving fancy cars, frequently dining out and taking overseas holidays. Many will have built their wealth through a successful investment strategy but you may be surprised to find out how many don’t have adequate savings for retirement or redundancy, let alone a solid investment plan.
Lower income earners are often the ones who knuckle down and save. Careful budgeting, motivation and discipline are very important attributes of successful investors. If you have had plenty of practice stretching your dollar further and living within your means, you might already have what it takes!
Lower income earners can often have a more realistic view of investment risk.
They know they need to do something to get a better financial future. Many people are hesitant to invest because they just don’t like having debt. That’s a fair call… but you can reduce your risk. |